
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

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27 Oct 2009 | Public sector excellence award for HSRC

The HSRC was awarded the 2009 GOLD Award for Public Sector Excellence in the category for Best Reputation: Training and Development Sector, as voted b...

1 Sep 2009 | Tackling teenage pregnancy in schools

Teenage pregnancy in South Africa:  With a specific focus on school-going learners The transition to parenthood is a major event in the lifespan...

7 Aug 2009 | Launch of children, AIDS and poverty study

Minister for Women, Children and Persons with Disabilities, Noluthando Mayende-Sibiya, will attend the launch of the final report of the Joint Learnin...

27 Jul 2009 | National launch: The urban legacy of 2010

With less than a year to go before the start of the 2010 FIFA* World Cup, is it too late or too soon to talk about what legacy the mega-event will lea...

27 Jul 2009 | National launch: The urban legacy of 2010

With less than a year to go before the start of the 2010 FIFA* World Cup, is it too late or too soon to talk about what legacy the mega-event will lea...

10 Jun 2009 | The urban legacy of 2010

With precisely a year to go before the start of the 2010 FIFA* World Cup, is it too late or too soon to talk about what legacy the mega-event will lea...

10 Jun 2009 | The urban legacy of 2010

With precisely a year to go before the start of the 2010 FIFA* World Cup, is it too late or too soon to talk about what legacy the mega-event will lea...

9 Jun 2009 | SA epidemic has stabilized: third national HIV survey

JOHANNESBURG – South Africa’s HIV epidemic has levelled off at a prevalence of 10.9% for people aged two years and older, with 5.2 million...

29 May 2009 | Report: Israel practicing apartheid in Palestinian territories

The Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa (HSRC) has released a study indicating that Israel is practicing both colonialism and apartheid in...

29 May 2009 | Report: Israel practicing apartheid in Palestinian territories

The Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa (HSRC) has released a study indicating that Israel is practicing both colonialism and apartheid in...