
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

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22 May 2009 | New SAHA head appointed

Professor Leickness Simbayi has been appointed as executive director of the large research programme on the Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Health at t...

13 May 2009 | New PEPFAR head urged to boost focus on children and families

The Coalition on Children Affected by AIDS (of which the HSRC is a member) has congratulated Dr Eric Goosby on his nomination to lead PEPFAR, the...

1 Apr 2009 | Child care forums valuable, but lack networks

Child care forums meet the needs of vulnerable children in South Africa Durban - Child Care Forums provide much-needed services, but their role and r...

1 Apr 2009 | Insufficient support for HIV-discordant couples

Exploring coping strategies and life choices made by HIV-discordant couples in long-term relationships: 
Insights from South Africa, Tanzania and Uk...

17 Mar 2009 | How will South Africans vote in the upcoming elections?

The African National Congress (ANC) remains the most popular party among voters, but with less than a majority at 47%. The DA seems on course to maint...

17 Mar 2009 | How will South Africans vote in the upcoming elections?

The African National Congress (ANC) remains the most popular party among voters, but with less than a majority at 47%. The DA seems on course to maint...

23 Feb 2009 | In memory of Prof. Wally Morrow

The HSRC would like to express its deepest sympathy to the family of Professor Wally Morrow, an HSRC Councilor and member of the Editorial Board of HS...

10 Feb 2009 | Home Truths: Facing the facts on children, AIDS and poverty

The Joint Learning Initiative on Children and HIV/AIDS, a two-year, independent alliance of researchers, implementers, policy-makers, activists and pe...

4 Feb 2009 | Results of the 2008 voter participation survey, commissioned by the IEC

The Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) released the final Voter Participation Survey today at Gallager Convention Centre in Midran...

4 Feb 2009 | Results of the 2008 voter participation survey, commissioned by the IEC

The Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) released the final Voter Participation Survey today at Gallager Convention Centre in Midran...