
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

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18 Nov 2005 | Factsheet 3 : Time spend on administration-related activities

Educators in urban areas spend the highest average time on these activities compared to educators in semi-rural and rural areas. Educators in s...

18 Nov 2005 | Factsheet 4 : Time spent in non-administration-related activities

Educators in urban schools spend an average of 43.83 hrs in all activities for the week while educators in rural areas spent 38.34 hrs. Educators in...

17 Nov 2005 | Factsheet 1 : Educator growth demand

Key findings: Comparing learner population and learner enrolment, the potential learner population (6- to 18-year-olds) has been increasing from 1999 ...

17 Nov 2005 | Factsheet 2 : Supply of educators

Key findings: There has been a decline in students taking the Initial Professional Education of Teachers (IPET) qualifications indicating an estimate ...

17 Nov 2005 | Factsheet 3 : Morbidity of student educators and further education and training (FET) lecturers

Key findings: 8.2% of students and 3.9% FET lecturers tested in this study were found to be HIV-positive. Among student educators the most frequently ...

17 Nov 2005 | Factsheet 4 : Projections of educator demand and supply until 2008

Key findings: It is estimated that new demand or growth demand for the period 2004-2008 for educators will be similar over time if learner to educator...

17 Nov 2005 | Factsheet 5 : Moderators of replacement demand for and supply of educators

Key findings: Moderators of replacement demand for and supply of educators can be divided into (1) supply-side policies and programmes, (2) demand-sid...

9 Nov 2005 | Factsheet 1: Migration into Gauteng - the numbers

Gauteng is the most attractive migration destination in South Africa. The population of Gauteng, which was estimated at 9.4 million in 2003, currently...

9 Nov 2005 | Factsheet 2: Poverty implications of recent migration into Gauteng

Recent Gauteng in-migrants are a relatively advantaged population compared with how they are often imagined. Many are literate and employed, have acce...

9 Nov 2005 | Factsheet 3: Popular perceptions of poverty and migration

Participants in three focus group interviews perceived people migrating to Gauteng as a threat to the settled populations. While in-migrants in genera...