
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

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20 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 10 : Educator Attrition and Mortality in South Africa

EDUCATOR ATTRITION AND MORTALITY IN SOUTH AFRICA A Study into Gross Educator Attrition Rates and Trends, including Analysis of the Causes of these by...

3 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 1 : The reality of abuse and how it's represented in the media

The general public even many professionals understand relatively little about the realities of the sexual abuse of young children: Child sexual abu...

3 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 2 : Overview of research findings

There is very little research on the incidence and prevalence of child abuse in South Africa, and available research uses a variety of definitions of ...

3 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 3 : Legal and policy responses

Policy and law: Many laws and policies are in place in South Africa to protect children?s rights and to improve child protection and services to abuse...

3 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 4 : Clinical services and treatment programmes

The book makes two key points regarding the treatment of sexually abused children: A fairly diverse range of clinical services and treatment progra...

2 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 1 : The youth labour market

The youth labour market is probably the most important phase in any young person?s development, particularly the transition from school to work or fur...

2 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 2 : Low levels of training in the workplace

The workplace plays a pivotal role in human resources development in South Africa. The national economy and its associated institutions of enterprise ...

2 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 3 : Building up our national science system

The national system of science and innovation is a key component of our country?s HRD machinery. Its primarily task is to continuously seek to improve...

2 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 4 : Contours of private higher education and training

The size of the private higher education sector is smaller than originally anticipated, recent HSRC research reveals. Far from the original estimates ...

2 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 5 : Skills migration and the brain drain in South Africa

The loss of our highly skilled citizens to other countries through emigration has been a cause for concern in South Africa for many years. Contrary to...