
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

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2 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 6 : Enterprise training in South Africa

The National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) of 2001 has great potential to reverse the low skills levels of the past few decades in South Africa. ...

2 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 7 : Intermediate skills in ICT as important as high-level skills

A major challenge for an analysis of the ICT workforce lies in the very volatile nature of ICT itself: as a group of technologies that are not stable ...

2 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 8 : Is there a shortage of engineers in South Africa?

Engineers have played a crucial role in the industrial development of South Africa but it appears that their importance is declining, largely because ...

2 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 9 : Human resources development and the economy

South African economic policy in the past decade has successfully promoted export growth but has not brought about more pressing improvements in emplo...

2 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 1 : Some key findings in "Flight of the Flamingos"

The school system does not produce enough students with the requisite passes in higher-grade mathematics and physical science to cope with the count...

250 HSRC researchers gather to find ways of tackling poverty and inequality

To: ALL MediaAtt: News EditorsFor immediate releaseDate: 20 September 2016Members of the media are invited to attend the official opening of the 2016 ...