
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

Use the filter tools to search by general keyword (e.g. HIV, education etc), or search by publication (start) date, or by Category, which includes departments.


2 Nov 2020 | HSRC and Facebook announce grant awardees for research on ethics, human rights and AI in Africa

Pretoria, Monday 2 November 2020 – The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and Facebook earlier this year announced a collaborative project a...

22 Oct 2020 | Continental dialogue on 20 years of African women's participation in peace and security

According to the Human Sciences Research Council’s Prof Cheryl Hendricks, African women have played a formative role in shaping the agenda, rais...

22 Oct 2020 | Survey shows growing pandemic fatigue, complacency and unnecessary risk of exposure to Covid-19 during lower lockdown levels

Survey shows growing pandemic fatigue, complacency and unnecessary risk of exposure to Covid-19 during lower lockdown levels  Today the Centre f...

19 Oct 2020 | #PutSouthAfricaFirst movement causing alarm with xenophobic sentiment

Cape Town - Following a tirade of xenophobic tweets under the hashtag #PutSouthAfricaFirst movement, the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) has re...

19 Oct 2020 | What is driving anti-immigrant violence in South Africa?

The Human Sciences Research Council, in partnership with IPSOS, conducted a survey looking at anti-immigrant sentiment in South Africa.  The stud...

16 Oct 2020 | HSRC and IPSOS look at drivers of ant-immigrant sentiment in South Africa

Pretoria, Friday 16 October 2020 – The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), together with market research partner, IPSOS, has looked at anti-...

3 Sep 2020 | Archie Mafeje Memorial Lecture to focus on Land and Agrarian Reform in South Africa

About Archie Mafeje Memorial LectureThis Lecture commemorates the academic and intellectual contribution of the late Professor Archibald Monwabisi Maf...

26 Aug 2020 | Minister Blade Nzimande to open policy forum on state of innovation in South Africa

In the aftermath of South Africa’s COVID-19 epidemic, innovation will be a critical component of evidence-based planning for the country’s...

6 Aug 2020 | HSRC and UKZN's School of Medicine release results of Healthworkers survey

Conducted on the datafree online platform, Moya Messaging, the survey looked at some of the following issues:•    Training receive...

5 Aug 2020 | HSRC and UKZN's School of Medicine release results of Healthworkers survey

Pretoria, Wednesday 5 August 2020 – The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), in partnership with the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Nels...