
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

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3 Aug 2020 | Prof Ivan Turok awarded prestigious Research Chair at the UFS by SARChI

BLOEMFONTEIN, 29 JULY 2020:  The University of the Free State is pleased to announce that the Human Sciences Research Council’s (HSRC) Prof...

31 Jul 2020 | The impact of China's Belt and Road on the African Continental Free Trade Agreement and infrastructure under the new normal

Pretoria, Monday 03 August 2020 –  Members of the media are invited to join the e-symposium on the impact of China’s Belt and Road In...

15 Jul 2020 | HSRC and Facebook to collaborate

HSRC and Facebook to identify research areas that support understandings of Artificial Intelligence in the African region Pretoria, Wednesday 15 July ...

15 Jul 2020 | HSRC and Facebook to identify research areas that support understandings of Artificial Intelligence in the African region

Pretoria, Wednesday 15 July 2020 – The recent COVID-19 pandemic has brought the fore the importance of digital solutions to contemporary ways of...

7 Jul 2020 | HSRC book launch dialogue to discuss the role of STI policy in responding to emergencies like the COVID-19 outbreak and 4IR transformation

Pretoria, Monday 06 July 2020 –  To deliberate on the role of science, technology and innovation (STI) policy in creating sustainable and i...

25 Jun 2020 | Former Speaker, Baleka Mbete to deliver keynote address for the 65th year anniversary of the Freedom Charter

Former Speaker, Baleka Mbete to deliver keynote address for the 65th  year anniversary of the Freedom Charter   Pretoria, Wednesday 24 Jun...

17 Jun 2020 | HSRC and partners to study the impact of COVID-19 on young people

Pretoria, Tuesday 16 June 2020 – Aimed to co-incide with Youth Month 2020 and to focus attention on the impact of COVID-19 on young people in pa...

4 Jun 2020 | HSRC and UJ to release the findings of the online multilingual COVID-19 Democracy Survey

About the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)The HSRC was established in 1968 as South Africa’s statutory research agency and has grown to be...

11 May 2020 | Majority of South Africans adhere to lock down regulations affecting the sale of tobacco products

Pretoria, Monday 11 May 2020 – The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, a fast spreading, primarily respiratory disease, has brought to the...

26 Apr 2020 | HSRC Study on COVID-19 indicates overwhelming compliance with the lockdown

Pretoria, Sunday 26 April 2020 – The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology Dr Blade Nzimande today announced the results of the s...