DGSD attends W20 Japan 2019: G20 engagement group on gender

CATEGORY: Developmental, Capable and Ethical State
DATE: 25 March 2019

This week Professor Narnia Bohler-Muller of the HSRC's Democracy, Governance and Service Delivery programme attended the W20 Japan 2019 gathering in Tokyo. The W20 is an official engagement group that proposes policy recommendations related to women for the G20.

The delegates shared the W20 Japan 2019 Communique and had a lengthy discussion with the Head of Delegates reaching an agreement after midnight.

The team hopes this is going to be another good step forward. Co-Chair, Yoriko Meguro and Haruno Yoshida, handed this to Japanese Prime Minister Abe.

You can read the cointent of the communique here: https://w20japan.org/en/pdf/w20_communique_en.pdf#zoom=75

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The communique urges G20 leaders to act upon the following recommendations:

1. Request their labour and employment ministers to present a mid-term report on the 2014 Brisbane commitment to reduce the gender gap in labour force participation by 25 percent by 2025 during the 2020 G20.

2. Remove systemic legal and social barriers in the labour market and provide solutions for achieving gender equality.

3. Close the digital gender gap and ensure that women can exercise their digital rights.

4. Ensure financial inclusion, promote women’s entrepreneurship, and accelerate access to investment and markets.

5. Promote life-long learning, and education on gender equality in schools and workplaces, to eliminate gender stereotypes and unconscious bias.

6. End all forms of violence against women and girls in the public and private spheres, including social media.

7. Establish effective and transparent governance and accountability mechanisms for achieving gender equality.