Minister Tito Mboweni appoints Advisory Board for Government Pensions Administration Agency

DATE: 5 July 2021
AUTHOR: SA Government

The Minister of Finance (Minister), Mr Tito Mboweni, has in terms of section 7A (4) (e) of the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proc No. 103 of 1994), appointed an Advisory Board (AB) to the Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA) for a 3-year term. The AB will advise the Minister on pension administration matters, the performance, governance and operations of the GPAA, and any specific issue that the Minister may determine in writing.

The AB consists of the following members:  

1. Ms Muvhungo Lukhaimane – Chairperson 2. Ms Maemili Ramataboe 3. Mr Beerson Baboojee 4. Mr Higgo du Toit 

Ms Ramataboe is currently serving as a member of the TCTA, CSOS, and Ubank  Board of Directors and chairs the relevant Audit Committees. She is also a member of Lesotho Institute of Accountants, IoDSA, and Risk Management Institute of South Africa. She serves as Chairperson of Audit and Risk Committees of the Competition Commission and Government Printing Risk Committee. She has been Chairperson of HSRC Risk Committee, and Independent Expert at Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund Treasury and Audit Committees. 

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