Report reveals over 18s less eager to take Covid-19 vaccine

CATEGORY: Latest News

Cabinet on Thursday approved the roll out of Covid-19 vaccines for the 18-35 cohort, however research has shown that many in the age group could skip their turn.

A report on vaccine hesitancy and acceptance by the Centre for Social Change at the University of Johannesburg and the Human Sciences Research Council revealed that younger people are less likely to accept vaccines than older people. While the acceptance rate for those aged 55+ is at 85%, for the 18-24 group, it was only 55%.

“Contrary to other research, the report found that religiosity plays a minor role in influencing the willingness to vaccinate. The most common explanation for those wanting to vaccinate is the desire to protect oneself. For those hesitant, side effects and concerns the vaccine will be ineffective are the most common self-reported explanations,” the report stated. While vaccine hesitancy prevails in all age groups, considering the size of this particular category, experts are worried about the prospects of reaching herd immunity.

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