University World News Africa Special Report acknowledges work being done by EPD

CATEGORY: Latest News
DATE: 7 February 2019

University World News Africa Special Report acknowledges work being done by EPD

Professor Bank is also leading a project in Buffalo City, in the Eastern Cape, which aims to allow the city to better articulate its own perspective, development objectives and reasonable expectations for the engagement with the several higher education institutions that are based in the metropolitan area. This is a different approach to the conventional community engagement projects, where the universities initiate outreach, often in their own self-interest, to their place-based neighbours and partners to meet the expectations of their academics and the Department of Higher Education and Training. International experience suggests that city-campus partnerships work best where both the city officials and the universities clearly understand the limits and opportunities of their roles and responsibilities and develop relations for place-based development, relevant knowledge production and youth development through established relations of trust and mutual understanding.

The link below provides direct access to the UWN Africa special report, which includes a review of the co-edited book, Anchored in Place.

Copies of the Anchored in place are now available as an e-book from the Cape Town publishers African Minds.