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7 May 2021 | Ubuntu: COVID-19 and human rights sacrifice in SA

In March 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic led President Cyril Ramaphosa to announce a state of national disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act. St...

4 May 2021 | Quibbling Over Cruelties: Human Rights Watch, Israel and Apartheid

Former Justice of the South African Constitutional Court Richard Goldstone signalled that point in chastising the misuse of the term. This is despite ...

4 May 2021 | Social housing is vital - Opportunists are trying to derail it

A 2018 paper from Andreas Scheba and Ivan Turok for the Human Sciences Research Council paints a terrible picture: “According to the review unde...

3 May 2021 | Foreign workers' contribution to SA's economy: Gerbrandt van Heerden

Tensions in the freight industry have once again drawn attention to the impact of foreign nationals on the economy and society of South Africa.  ...

3 May 2021 | Human Rights vs. Covid-19 Lockdown - Featured Durban Blog

Are South Africans okay with having their human rights restricted during the Covid-19 lockdown? Apparently so according to recent surveys conducted by...

3 May 2021 | Social Justice and Education in the 21st Century

Research from South Africa and the United States Editors: Pearson Jr., Willie, Reddy, Vijay (Eds.) Enriches our understanding of the role of social ...

3 May 2021 | South Africans hold contradictory views about their democracy

South Africans hold contradictory views about their democracy Estelle Tue, 04/27/2021 - 13:26 Teaser Media Paragraphs A statue of former president Nel...

3 May 2021 | Voting out councillors who steal money & don't deliver services

Guest: Dr Joleen  Steyn  Kotze | Senior Research Specialist Democracy and Citizenship, in the Developmental, Capable, Ethical State Research...

26 Apr 2021 | South Africans hold contradictory views about their democracy

How do South Africans view democracy? Are they in the camp of those who see democracy through a more authoritarian lens – in other words, where ...

20 Apr 2021 | This week in civil society: Planning for the restoration of Earth

This week in civil society: Planning for the restoration of Earth, a sustainable grant system and the end of South Africa’s ‘book famine&r...