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6 Feb 2021 | New report raises concern over undetected TB in communities

South Africa has a high TB burden with 35-44 age group year and over 65-year-olds accounting for the largest prevalence.  The country’s fir...

6 Feb 2021 | The First National TB Prevalence Survey - South Africa 2018

South Africa (SA) is one of the 30 high burden tuberculosis (TB) countries contributing 87% of the estimated incident TB cases worldwide, on its own S...

5 Feb 2021 | 80 000 more Covid vaccines set to arrive in SA on Saturday

The second batch of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) Covid-19 vaccine is expected to arrive from Belgium in South Africa on Saturday. An SAA plane ...

5 Feb 2021 | Making sure it is possible with science, technology and innovation

The COVID-19 pandemic that has engulfed South Africa and the rest of the world for the past 10 months has highlighted the importance of investments by...


The COVID-19 pandemic, which has engulfed South Africa and the rest of the world for the past 10 months has highlighted the importance of investments ...

4 Feb 2021 | Scientific research taking SA into the future

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has engulfed South Africa and the rest of the world for the past 10 months has highlighted the importance of investments ...

3 Feb 2021 | Plastic Bodies, Public Policy and Popular Anger in Rural South Africa

A study conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and Walter Sisulu University (WSU) for the Eastern Cape Socio Economic Consultative Co...

3 Feb 2021 | Russian Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine is safe and 92% effective - The Lancet

"A lot of people, us included, were sceptical," says Adam Gilchrist. "The Lancet is the number one medical journal in the world.” Russia's Sputn...

2 Feb 2021 | 67% of SA adults want the Covid-19 vaccine, study finds

Cape Town - Professor Linda-Gail Bekker, the deputy director of the UCT's Desmond Tutu HIV Centre, an infectious diseases specialist, said numbers wou...

2 Feb 2021 | Leadership in Question Part 10: What can we learn from Chris Hani's leadership qualities?

“Life was quite harsh for us and we went through some hard times as our mother had to supplement the family budget through subsistence farming; ...