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4 Nov 2020 | South Africa: Study Sheds Light On How South Africa Can Best Tackle Prejudice Against Migrants

Xenophobia is a serious problem in South Africa. Cross-border migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in the country face harassment and discrimination....

4 Nov 2020 | The state must urgently counter pandemic fatigue

Scientists, public health officials and even President Cyril Ramaphosa have warned of a resurgence in Covid-19 cases as the summer holidays loom. Whet...

3 Nov 2020 | Sadly! It striked too hard this time

The covid19 pandemic came unexpectedly and it has already left pain and headaches in many people lives, the pandemic made this year even harder to liv...

3 Nov 2020 | Study sheds light on how South Africa can best tackle prejudice against migrants

Xenophobia is a serious problem in South Africa. Cross-border migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in the country face harassment and discrimination....

30 Oct 2020 | Prof Rolf Stumpf made his mark at SU and in higher education

Prof Rolf Stumpf, former Vice-Rector: Operations and Vice-Rector: Teaching at Stellenbosch University (SU), was one of the most respected experts on h...

30 Oct 2020 | 'Lockdown still hitting SA citizens hard financially'

While the general economic impact of Covid-19 in South Africa has received much attention, citizens have expressed “strong concerns” about...

30 Oct 2020 | Families want justice for Trojan Horse Massacre deaths

The families of those killed during the 1985 Trojan Horse Massacre are proposing the use of transitional justice to prosecute these apartheid police c...

30 Oct 2020 | New Covid-19 survey shows public support for a basic income grant, continuation of food parcels

An online Covid-19 survey by the University of Johannesburg and the Human Sciences Research Council shows strong public support for the continuation o...

29 Oct 2020 | Pandemic fatigue: SA adherence to preventive measures is slipping

The easing of South Africa‘s lockdown has triggered fears of a new wave of COVID-19 infections. Two separate surveys show growing pandemic fatig...

28 Oct 2020 | #Covid19 has widened gap between cities, rural areas

New evidence provides a detailed picture of the extraordinary economic fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic, according to an HSRC research specialist an...