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9 Jun 2020 | Fita brings in its own medical experts to challenge ban on cigarette sales

The Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association (Fita) has attached two reports from medical professionals showing that banning the sale of tobacco pro...

9 Jun 2020 | Dr Saahier Parker on Metro FM

  To listen to Dr Parker's interview on MetroFM click on the link below:...

9 Jun 2020 | Hunger, stress grows, yet support for Ramaphosa remains high

TimesLIVE reported that a vast majority of South Africans approve of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, despite grow...

9 Jun 2020 | More needed to help Covid-19-struck small-scale farmers

Over the past few weeks, there has been a lot of talk about how to rebuild, and ultimately, strengthen our economy, which has been severely affected b...

8 Jun 2020 | Comorbidities raise concerns

Comorbidity and comorbid conditions are common medical terms that refer to one or more diseases or conditions that occur along with another condition ...

8 Jun 2020 | Covid-19: Eastern Cape fears as worst predicted

SA has already been hit hard by the impact of Covid-19 and the subsequent lockdown declared by the government, but indications are the worst may still...

8 Jun 2020 | Govt cops flak from tripartite alliance for ‘heavy handed’ lockdown

The tripartite alliance is warning the government that the lockdown’s legitimacy is at risk given the unintended consequence of favouring some p...

8 Jun 2020 | Lockdown is a psychological pressure cooker, data shows

SA is in a ‘moment of psychological crisis’, according to a recent surveySA is in a state of psychological crisis as a result of the exten...

8 Jun 2020 | Social scientists feel left out in Covid-19 fight

Social scientists have felt excluded in the Covid-19 fight, lamenting that a government information blackout had disabled their research to fully unde...

8 Jun 2020 | Some citizens willing to sacrifice rights to curb COVID-19 spread - survey

SHRC developmental, capable and ethical state division director Prof Narnia Bohler-Muller details the survey. A survey by the University of Johannesbu...