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28 May 2020 | Schools prepare to reopen

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga said that this week will be dedicated to finalising all outstanding matters before learners return to school....

28 May 2020 | World No Tobacco Day 2020 - Protecting Our Youth from Industry Influence

World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is celebrated on 31st May every year is an international day designated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to advocate...

27 May 2020 | Tobacco ban a 'deal with the devil', undermining transformation - lobby groups

The ongoing tobacco ban is setting back transformation in the business environment and severely impacting black farmers and businesspeople, lobby grou...

26 May 2020 | Covid-19 in South Africa - perspective is needed

by Michael Cosser  Covid-19 has caused us to lose perspective on various fronts. One main front is the burden of disease. In a country in which m...

25 May 2020 | Prof Narnia Bohler Muller dissects President Ramaphosa's speech

  To listen to the to Prof Bohler Muller's interview click on the link below:...

22 May 2020 | Can books lessen the impact of COVID-19 on learners?

Research published by The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) shows that while everybody will experience learning losses, the educational outcomes ...

22 May 2020 | Covid-19 will leave 3 out of 4 small / medium businesses out of work

There are currently several information-gathering initiatives being undertaken by different organisations, such as SIMODISA, Business Partners, BLSA, ...

21 May 2020 | Pandemic responses must ensure human rights are protected

Finn Reygan  Ingrid LynchNot all people bear the burden of the global pandemic and the effect of related state responses equally. The pandemic is...

20 May 2020 | If we invested in this today, South Africa could save billions - and fight COVID-19

South Africa’s national shutdown has bought the country precious time to prepare for an inevitable rise in COVID-19 cases once lockdown restrict...

20 May 2020 | Lifestyle diseases and coronavirus

As the number of Covid-19 infections moves over 16,000, the health minister, Zweli Mkhize, has expressed concern about the huge risk group of South Af...