Dr Justin Visgaie on SAfm 28 July

CATEGORY: Media and COVID-19
DATE: 28 July 2020

Justin Visagie is a research specialist and economist at the HSRC in the department for Inclusive Economic Development.

Mark Misselhorn is the CEO of Project Preparation Trust (PPT), a pro-poor support organisation, and has been working in the field of informal settlement upgrading for more than 25 years at project and policy levels.

Sizwe Mxobo is a Community Based Planner on iQhaza Lethu Upgrading Initiative in eThekwini. He has worked on the ground in informal settlements in Durban and Cape town re-blocking and reworking space and grew up in Khondo Square Informal Settlement in Nyganga (Cape Town).

To listen to the interview click on the link below: