Prof Narnia Bohler Muller interview on Prontuit TV

CATEGORY: Media and COVID-19
DATE: 3 June 2020

In the lockdown period, South Africans have once again realised the value of freedom.
When does the greater good of society trump the rights of the individual and more particularly their right to freedom? This has caused considerable debate amongst South Africans during the lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. We spoke to several role-players about what they think. To listen to the 1st segment of the interview click on the link below:

Several types of lockdown protocols have been implemented the world over to try and curb the coronavirus. While remains a contentious issues within democracies, we ask what decisions  governments can make for their citizens. To listen to the 2nd segment of the interview click on the link below:

To which extent can governments, and in our case, the South African government, be trusted with lockdown regulations? And does it become an issue of economic growth versus lives lost? To listen to the 3rd segment of the interview click on the link below: