Labour Market Intelligence Partnership project (LMIP Parent)


The research will contribute towards South Africa achieving on the strategic outcome of building a ??Skilled and Capable Workforce to Support an Inclusive Growth Path??. Government??s most recent policy frameworks prioritise the creation of a coherent education, training and skills development post-school system to promote inclusive social and economic growth. We are clear on the goals, but the evidence base to support effective skills planning policy instruments and implementation remains elusive, for the new Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), for the SETAs, for firms and business organizations, and for public and private education and training institutions at all levels. The research programme will lay a foundation to optimize the facilities, resources and expertise for research on skills and labour markets available nationally to undertake primary and meta analytic research to provide new insights regarding labour market intelligence. This research programme will collaborate with other research projects and researchers to promote a coherent and complementary approach. The overall research programme goal is to contribute in a systematic, focused and coordinated manner to establish a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning, in order to achieve the national priority of a skilled and capable workforce to achieve an inclusive growth path.