Support the development of the DST's fourth industrial revolution science, technology and innovation plan of action

STATUS: Completed
PROJECT LEADER:Gastrow, M (Dr Michael), De Koning, E (Ms Elmi)
DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE: Equitable Education and Economies (IED)


The emergence of the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' (FIR) as a driving force of global technological and social change has created an imperative for the Department of Science and Technology (DST) to conceptualise a holistic, consultative and inclusive process to develop a science, technology and innovation (STI)-based plan of action for socio-economic impact in response to the FIR. In preparation for this process, the DST has invited the HSRC to play a supportive role by developing foundational knowledge and facilitating international dialogue and learning. The ultimate aim of this will be to assist the DST in becoming more responsive to the FIR. The knowledge development role will include a literature review, and a baseline study of public sector actors and initiatives pertaining to the FIR. The facilitation role will include the conceptualisation and implementation of a SA-EU policy dialogue conference (funded by the EU???s Dialogue Facility project) that is focussed on the FIR.