Survey to Determine the attitudes to the proposed new route of the N2 between Port Edward and Port St Johns

STATUS: Completed
PROJECT LEADER:Van der Bergh, GM (Mr Gray), Mupela, EN (Dr Evans)
OTHER TEAM MEMBERS: Ndlovu, MP (Mr Phumlani), Booysen, AS (Ms Denise), Karuaihe, ST (Dr Selma), Jonas, S (Mr Siyanda), Sakoane, LI (Ms Lineo), Ogwang, J.O. (Mr Jeff)


As part of an on-going research project to determine the impact of the proposed new route of the N2 between Port Edward and Port St Johns, the South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL) invited the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) to submit a proposal to undertake a study of attitudes of the population to the construction of this new route. The intention of this project is to determine the attitudes to this proposed route of adjacent communities and also to determine the impact on certain affected groups (such as migrant workers and local residents). The project also aims to get a national understanding of attitudes and perceptions regarding the proposed route and aims to determine the impact of the MARIKANA strike on the local community as most of the people who lost their lives in the MARIKANA shooting were migrant workers from this region. In addition to this, the study is expected to lay a baseline for the economic evaluation of the road construction, both during and after the construction of the infrastructure. The proposed project is a follow up of a similar project that was undertaken by the HSRC on behalf of SANRAL in 2011 (SANRAL 2011). As per discussions with SANRAL, this project will follow a similar methodology to the 2010 project but some additional components will be added. The additional components will be (a) a national survey in the South African Social Attitude Survey (SASAS) that will determine national attitudes towards this proposed route and (b) a socio economic impact baseline study that will be undertaken among residents and the businesses community, laying the foundation for a future impact evaluation of the new infrastructure to contribute ot economic and social development of the region ??? specifically around the Zone of Influence. In order for this analysis to be useful, certain economic indicators should be measured before the road is built. These indicators will then be followed through the construction phase and entire life (or reasonably long period) of the road???s existence. This basically forms the impact evaluation framework for the economic impact of the road on the economic life of the region. The following classes of economic agents in Port St Johns/Port Edward region will be surveyed during the baseline study: 1. Land owners and users in the region 2. Roadside enterprises and advertisers 3. Goods consignors and consignees 4. Utility enterprises 5. Vehicle operators on the existing N2 route Respondents falling into these categories in the projected ZOI of the proposed road will be surveyed. They will respond to questions from a standard questionnaire. The following are the dimensions that will be studied over the life span of the road: 1. Types of enterprise 2. Volume of business operations 3. New enterprise creation 4. Estate value 5. Land value and usage Sustainability of enterprises in the area along the road.