DST: Innovation Partnership For Rural Development (IPRD)- M&E Framework

STATUS: Current
PROJECT LEADER:Van der Bergh, GM (Mr Gray), Jacobs, PT (Dr Peter)
OTHER TEAM MEMBERS: Hart, TGB (Dr Tim), Ndlovu, MP (Mr Phumlani), Ramoroka, KH (Dr Kgabo), Booysen, AS (Ms Denise), Jonas, S (Mr Siyanda), Mhula Links, AL (Ms Alex), Booyens, I (Dr Irma)
RESEARCH OUTPUTS: Reflections on demonstrating development-oriented innovations in South Africa
DATASETS: View Datasets


The Department of Science and Technology (DST), through its Chief Directorate: Science and Technology for Social Impact, has embarked on an initiative geared at support of between 8-15 technology demonstrations within 23 priority Rural District Municipalities (RDM). Its core purpose is to build and bolster the science and technology management and leadership capability within the targeted 23 RDMs. Furthermore, this investment in local science technology and innovation solutions directly and indirectly contribute toward realizing the 12 priority outcomes of government, with an emphasis on more effective and accountable local government, job creation, a healthy life for all, equitable and sustainable rural communities with food security for all, and creating sustainable human settlements. Through intensive consultations with the RDMs, science and technology needs were identified and innovative projects in a range of water (with a focus on both access to water as well as water quality), sanitation and ICT services are nearing implementation stage in clusters of RDMs. This will be complemented by a set of knowledge, learning, and communication interventions that will be targeted at all 23 District Municipalities and specifically support capacity building for technology and innovation management. The programme will further focus on evidence-based research, with the specific aim of influencing policy design, development and decision-making throughout government. Learning forums will be established for each social and economic infrastructure cluster- water, sanitation and ICT services. The primary purpose of the current HSRC study is to design, construct and implement a customised Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to strengthen technology and innovation capabilities and learning within the targeted 23 (26) Rural District Municipalities. To achieve this the following four objectives are identified: 1. Develop the IPRD-M&E framework based on relevant and tested innovation thinking as well as fit-for-purpose in the LRM and South African contexts for monitoring and evaluation methodologies. 2. Implement the fit-for-purpose IPRD-M&E framework across all 5 RDMs and phase-1 demonstration projects (water, sanitation and ICTs). 3. Produce and disseminate policy-relevant and peer reviewed knowledge products (Innovation Dynamics Reports, policy briefs, technical briefs, and case studies) that showcase the impact of the IPRD. 4. Participate in learning platforms to share M&E findings, including presentation at the annual Rural Innovation Symposia.