GIZ: Socio-Economic Profiles of the Metros

STATUS: Current
PROJECT LEADER:Van der Bergh, GM (Mr Gray), Turok, IN (Prof. Ivan)
OTHER TEAM MEMBERS: Booysen, AS (Ms Denise), Borel-Saladin, JM (Dr Jacqueline), Verryn, AE (Ms Anna)


The National Treasury, in conjunction with other stakeholders of the Governance Support Programme (GSP), supported by GIZ, has initiated a process of reviewing the own revenue sources of metropolitan municipalities. Such a review is informed by constant demographic and economic changes encountered by municipalities. Overall it attempts to assess whether metropolitan municipalities current own revenue sources are sufficient to meet the service delivery and development mandates outlined in the Constitution of South Africa. An assessment may suggest that reforms are required to the existing system to ensure that metropolitan municipalities are correctly and adequately funded to meet their service delivery and development mandates. It may also identify alternative, complementary or replacement revenue sources. The current review focuses on: a) Analysis of metropolitan municipalities??? expenditure responsibilities and performance; b) Analysis of metropolitan municipalities??? revenue sources and performance; and c) Demographic profiles and diversity of service available in metropolitan municipalities. The importance of sustainable metropolitan municipalities is strengthened by the fact that according to Census 2011, almost 40% of South Africa???s population now reside in the metropolitan municipalities. These are South Africa???s engines of growth and development that attract skills and investment. They require sustained infrastructure and service delivery. The main purpose of current study is to contribute to the review of own income sources by developing and assessing the socioeconomic profiles of metropolitan municipalities. This will be achieved by undertaking a desktop review and analysis of Statistics South Africa, metropolitan municipal and other datasets extending from 1996 to 2014. The study has five specific objectives: 1. Develop profiles for each metropolitan municipality. These must include the following socioeconomic criteria: population size, density and structure; household size and structure; employment status; income levels; economic activities; provision of free basic services; service delivery status; backlogs; and land ownership 2. Analyse the profiles and identify areas for further investigation. 3. Conduct a workshop with metropolitan municipal representatives to share findings of the profile review and analysis. 4. Produce a Final Report containing the profiles of each metropolitan municipality and an analysis. 5. Develop a concise 2-page overview of the data analysis for broader dissemination.