DRDLR: NARYSEC Employment Opportunities and Enterprise Development Review and Refinement of the NARYSEC Exit Strategy

STATUS: Current
PROJECT LEADER:Van der Bergh, GM (Mr Gray), Turok, IN (Prof. Ivan), Jacobs, PT (Dr Peter)
OTHER TEAM MEMBERS: Booysen, AS (Ms Denise), Nyamwanza, AM (Dr Admire), Sinyolo, S (Dr Skhu), Habiyaremye, A (Dr Alexis)
RESEARCH OUTPUTS: NARYSEC employment opportunities and enterprise development review and refinement of the NARYSEC exit strategy: evidence-based review: final report


As part of its systems review, the Branch: Rural Infrastructure Development is looking at sustainable youth employment options for NARYSEC enrolees who are preparing to leave programme (termed the Exit strategy in the NARYSEC policy). The main purpose of this Review for the NARYSEC Exit Strategy is to develop an evidenced-based understanding of the early-stage experiences of NARYSEC participants after their enrolment in the programme. A synthesis of the findings of the Review, derived from available administrative information and easily accessible but reliable information gathered from a sample of near-completion and past enrolees, must be incorporated into finalisation of the NARYSEC Exit Strategy. Project specific objectives: Construct a customised analysis frame to conduct a Review of evidence-based support to inform the completion of the NARYSEC Exit Strategy; Understand variations in the relative and absolute scales of rural youth unemployment; Examine the demographic and socio-economic (education, skills, occupation, job experiences, etc.) profiles of unemployed rural youth recruited into the NARYSEC; Document in a systematic manner the type of exit strategies that NARYSEC youth pursue when they leave the programme; Explore options for strengthening the coordinated and integrated implementation of employment and enterprise development schemes targeting rural youth; Investigate and diagnose how well high-intensity rural youth employment schemes have been structured and implemented; The draft NARYSEC Exit Strategy conceptualises 3 exit routes namely further education and training options, job opportunities and business ventures. Some exited participants might not be absorbed into any of these exit routes when they graduate from NARYSEC. This makes up a cluster of unemployed rural youth post-exit and it is important explore this outcome. Determinants of whether NARYSEC participants exit along a particular pathway depend upon many factors. Analysis of the exit route thus hinges upon the mechanisms and dynamics, whether latent or observable, along each path. Probing these mechanisms and dynamics is critical to help with a more systematic approach to and analysis of what transpires along exit paths. It is also crucial to understand the extent to which the revised NARYSEC Policy has improved the chances of rural youth leaving the programme from being absorbed into productive and sustainable economic activities