Birth to twenty study

STATUS: Current
PROJECT LEADER:Richter, L.M. (Prof Linda)
OTHER TEAM MEMBERS: De Kock, C.J. (Ms Cilna), Joseph, PK (Mr Philip), Nyawane, CL (Ms Lebo), Mathambo, N (Ms Nomonde)
DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE: Public Health, Societies and Belonging (HSC)
RESEARCH OUTPUTS: Predictors of postnatal depression in an urban South African cohort, Factors influencing enrolment: a case study from Birth to Twenty, the 1990 birth cohort in Soweto-Johannesburg, Low birthweight and subsequent emotional and behavioural outcomes in 12-year-old children in Soweto, South Africa: findings from Birth to Twenty, Approaches for assessing the role of Household Socioeconomic Status on Child Anthropometric measures in Urban South Africa, How well do adolescents determine portion sizes of foods and beverages?, Adolescents in the city: material and social living conditions in Johannesburg-Soweto, South Africa, Maternal and child undernutrition: consequences for adult health and human capital, Are there short cuts to pubertal assessments? Self-reported and assessed group differences in pubertal development in African adolescents, Improving the developmental outcome of babies, "Patterns of residential mobility amongst children in greater Johannesburg: observations from the Birth to Twenty cohort", Health and social scientists need to weigh in, Developmental potential in the first 5 years for children in developing countries, Cohort profile: Mandela's children: the 1990 birth to twenty study in South Africa, Field report: panel studies in developing countries: case analysis of sample attrition over the past 16 years within the Birth to Twenty cohort in Johannesburg, South Africa, Variety and total number of food items recorded by a true longitudinal group of urban black South African children iat five intercepts between 1995 and 2003 the Birth-to-Twenty (Bt20) study, Young adults, the target of below-the-line advertising, The silent truth of teenage pregnancies: Birth to Twenty cohort's next generation, Effects of Ethnicity and Sex on the Growth of the Axial and Appendicular Skeleton of Children Living in a Developing Country, The influence of maternal cigarette smoking, snuff use and passive smoking on pregnancy outcomes: the Birth to Ten Study, The many kinds of sexual abuse of young children


Birth to Twenty is a longitudinal birth cohort study of more than 3200 children and their families in Soweto-Johannesburg, 74% of whom have been followed up from before birth to their current age of 12 years. The original emphasis of the study was on determinants of health, psychological adjustment and educational achievement of children in an urban environment in the context of socioeconomic, household, family, peer and psychological factors. The current focus of the study are pubertal maturation, coital debut and sexual risks, the influence of the future orientation and family support on educational achievement, and risks for educational failure and drop out