To develop the National Early Childhood Development (ECD) Policy for children from birth to five years of age.

STATUS: Current
PROJECT LEADER:Richter, L.M. (Prof Linda)
OTHER TEAM MEMBERS: De Kock, C.J. (Ms Cilna), Joseph, PK (Mr Philip), Desmond, CJ (Dr Chris), Mathambo, N (Ms Nomonde)
DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE: Public Health, Societies and Belonging (HSC)


The aim is to develop a policy with an implementation plan for transforming ECD in South Africa. Internationally Early Childhood is recognised as the foundation of human capital development. Studies show that investment in ECD provides higher returns later in life, than any other human capital investment venture. More recently scientific studies in early childhood have resulted in acknowledgement that the first 1 000 days of human life are very critical for a child???s growth and development. From conception to birth and the first two years of life there is a need for the development of ECD strategies and policies to ensure that all children have access to quality nutrition, health care, protection and early stimulation interventions. The nature of the interventions in the first 1 000 days determine and impact on the child???s overall growth and development trajectory, including brain development. The Government of South Africa has prioritised Early Childhood Development. In South Africa Early Childhood Development is defined as the process of emotional, cognitive, sensory, spiritual, moral, physical and social and communication development of children from birth to nine years. This assignment will focus on the period from conception to five years.