Navigational capacities in contexts of adversity Establishing a consortium of global South youth scholars


This project seeks to contribute to the debate around the homogeneity/heterogeneity of youth studies and does so, through this accelerator activity proposal, for funding to: Establish a Consortium of Global South Youth Scholars (COGSYS) Prepare a proposal for submission to two large international funders as well as a further grant from the DST/NRF Human Development Centre of Excellence (HDCoE). In support of these two aims the following three activities are envisaged: produce three seminal papers in an attempt to provoke debate on the unique place of Global South youth and their needs Gather together five groups of global South scholars in day-long colloquia to discuss and inform these papers, along with a discussion of Global South youth representations and needs. Survey the South Africa youth agency landscape as a proof of concept activity in preparation for a larger and more in depth engagement with youth and those who work with them to ascertain Global South youth needs.