Family Cohesion, Values and Strengthening in promoting Family well-being in South Africa

STATUS: Completed
PROJECT LEADER:Roberts, BJ (Dr Benjamin)
OTHER TEAM MEMBERS: Struwig, J (Dr Jare), Govender, K (Ms Koshen), Davids, YD (Dr Derek), Gordon, SL (Dr Steven), Matshaya, Z (Ms Zandi)
DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE: Developmental, Capable and Ethical State (DCES)


The broad objective of the study is to enhance knowledge of family-related dynamics, cohesiveness, orientations and preferences (hereafter referred to as family cohesion) in contemporary South Africa as the basis for informing policies aimed at strengthening and enhancing the wellbeing of families and, by extension, social cohesion. The specific objectives are as follows: i. To investigate the diversity of family structures and relationships in South Africa, as well as tolerance and preferences for alternative family forms. ii. To provide detailed evidence on the nature of, and attitudes towards, family cohesion and values. iii. To explore the perceived efficacy and impact of current social interventions aimed at reducing poverty and improving overall family well-being. iv. To identify areas for potential public policy intervention related to the strengthening of families. Overall, by achieving the above objectives in the year leading up to the 20th anniversary of the International Year of the Family, the observed dynamics at individual, household and community level will be located in a broader framework, and are aligned to the National Development Plan Vision for 2030 and well as to the regional and international calls.