Compiling a Publication on the Agenda 2063

STATUS: Completed
PROJECT LEADER:Bohler, N (Prof. Narnia)
OTHER TEAM MEMBERS: Govender, K (Ms Koshen), Kruyshaar, N (Ms Nicola), Dipholo, MD (Mr Mojalefa), Majozi, N (Mr Mabutho), Hagg, G (Dr Gerard)
DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE: Developmental, Capable and Ethical State (DCES)
RESEARCH OUTPUTS: AU Agenda 2063: voices of the African people: South Africa's views and aspirations


As the development of the Agenda 2063 is a participatory process ??? as described above - DIRCO convened national consultations on Agenda 2063 with the following sectors of society: ??? Youth ??? Academia ??? Business ??? Women ??? Civil Society ??? Parliament ??? Cultural Groups Each section of the publication to be submitted to the AU will be organised in line with the consultations of the different abovementioned sectors.