BRICS Seminal Activity to Inform research on Governance Landscape of SOEs and NDB

STATUS: Completed
OTHER TEAM MEMBERS: Govender, K (Ms Koshen), Shanker, TR (Ms Tanya)
DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE: Developmental, Capable and Ethical State (DCES)


To conduct joint BRICS seminal activity to inform research on governance landscape of the State-Own Entities (SOEs) and New Development Bank (NDB) in transforming the society. Thematic and programmatic seminal issues include: 1. The state of SOEs political and economic governance in fulfilling the developmental mandate of the state from comparative perspective among BRICS member states. 2. The state of the NDB political and economic governance in fulfilling the developmental mandate of the BRICS members states 3. Political and Government issues emanating from the 12 BRICS Summitry in Moscow, Russia