Development of a paper and facilitation of a Masterclass at the Science Granting Councils Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa (SGCI) Annual Forum, November 2021


A Consortium led by the HSRC???s Impact Centre (IC) was awarded the SGCI commissioned Masterclass paper on Public Engagement in Research and Innovation for Development. Our proposed paper will explore mechanisms to strengthen the capacity of SGCs to develop and implement inclusive, multimodal public engagement approaches using emerging digital and social media technologies to promote women???s participation in science and public engagement. The objectives of the proposed paper and Masterclass are to: ??? Review and document gender mainstreaming and inclusivity (or lack thereof) in the public engagement initiatives of participating SGCs. ??? Identify the skills and capacities of SGCs to institutionalise and implement gender-inclusive public engagement initiatives in their policies and frameworks. ??? Explore best practices in gender-sensitive and inclusive digital communication to enhance and transform the SGCs??? public engagement approaches. ??? Develop and recommend a gender-inclusive, multimodal, contextualised and innovative public engagement framework with a clearly defined impact framework and theory of change.