Research data

The HSRC Research Data Service provides a digital repository facility for the HSRC's research data in support of evidence based human and social development in South Africa and the broader region. Access to data is dependent on ethical requirements for protecting research participants, as well as on legal agreements with the owners, funders or in the case of data owned by the HSRC, the requirements of the depositors of the data. We facilitate data use by preparing comprehensive metadata and disseminating data and related documents to appropriate target audiences. Data sharing is subject to an End User License agreement. Data sets from the following projects have been curated and are available for use:

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2022 All was not in vain: the autobiography of Lebona Mosia

Lebona Mosia was born on 18 January, 1952 in Alexandra Township. He was active in the June 1976 student protests, and left the country in Au...

2022 From rural herd boy to MK soldier and then ambassador: the autobiography of Mabuse Mampane

Mabuse Mampane, also known as Reddy Mazimba, left his rural home in Sekhukuniland at the tender age of eight in 1951 to begin work as a herd...

2021 Delivering democratic developmental state cities in South Africa

Since coming to power in 1994, following the end of formal apartheid in South Africa, the governing African National Congress (ANC), has sta...

2021 From apartheid to empire: how (post)apartheid South Africa became an anti-poor black society

Using psycho-political analysis as a method of seeing and interpreting, this essay meditates on why and how Frantz Fanon's observation that ...