HIV prevention needs: primary prevention and prevention for people living with HIV/AIDS

SOURCE: Public health aspects of HIV/AIDS in low and middle income countries
OUTPUT TYPE: Chapter in Monograph
TITLE AUTHOR(S): N.Tarakeshwar, S.C.Kalichman, L.C.Simbayi, K.J.Sikkema
SOURCE EDITOR(S): D.D.Celentano, C.Beyrer
DEPARTMENT: Public Health, Societies and Belonging (HSC)
Print: HSRC Library: shelf number 5490
HANDLE: 20.500.11910/5201

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Chapter one of this volume provides an overview of the global scenario of HIV and AIDS. Available data suggests that the number of HIV infections has varied globally since 2000, with HIV rates in some countries such as Kenya and Malawi declining, while other countries such as Uganda and Thailand report setbacks in their previously declining rates of HIV infection. Moreover, HIV/AIDS seems to be gaining further ground in Russia and the most populous regions of the world including India and China. For a sustainable response to the epidemic, both prevention and treatment services need to be brought to scale simultaneously. Although 700,000 people began antiretroviral (ARV) treatment in 2006, around four million people became infected with HIV. As Kevin De Cock, the World Health Organization's (WHO) HIV/AIDS Director emphasized, We cannot treat our way out of this epidemic. For every case going into treatment, six more are going to the back of the line. (Alcorn, 2007) This chapter provides a broad overview of primary prevention for at-risk populations and prevention interventions targeted to people living with HIV/AIDS.