Research outputs

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Research outputs: APPRENTICESHIP

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2021 ETDP SETA track and trace evaluation study of bursaries, learnerships, internships and work intergrated learning for TVET and UoT learners

The HSRC-ETDP SETA Track and Trace Evaluation Study has been a year long journey which has been enriching, insightful and challenging. The H...

2015 How does social inequality continue to influence young people's trajectories through the apprenticeship pathway system in South Africa?: an analytical approach

The paper contributes by proposing an analytical approach that allows for the identification of patterns of participation in education and t...

2014 Learnerships and apprenticeships: key mechanisms for skills development and capability building in South Africa

In post-apartheid South Africa, skills development policy, learnerships and apprenticeships are key policy mechanisms intended to enhance em...

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