Research outputs

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Research outputs: CAPE TOWN

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2021 Education quality, life at Christel House South Africa and social mobility for learners

This research project explored the quality of education at CHSA, an independent school based in Ottery, Cape Town, and whether its learners ...

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2021 Inequality and urban density: socio-economic drivers of uneven densification in Cape Town

Global policies promote urban compaction to achieve sustainable development. This article highlights the limits of analysing densification a...

2021 Empowering backyard shack owners

Innovative financing initiatives are seeking to provide more inclusive credit to entrepreneurial homeowners. Partnering with social enterpri...

2021 The location of social housing in Cape Town: separating fact from fiction

The clash over what constitutes the 'inner-city' of Cape Town exemplifies a crucial fact about social housing: It is all about location. Soc...