Research outputs

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Research outputs: CRIME PREVENTION

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2019 Burglary in gated communities: an empirical analysis using routine activities theory

Gated communities have experienced phenomenal growth worldwide due in part to increasing fear of urban crime and violence. However, very lit...

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2014 Glenister at the coalface: are the police part of an effective independent security service?

This article looks at the problem of corruption to which Glenister refers through a different disciplinary lens: sociology. It does not igno...

2013 Evaluation of the implementation of the Jo'burg City Safety Strategy (JCSS)

The JCSS advocated an integrated approach to crime prevention and safety using a multi-disciplinary and multi-agency approach. In line with ...

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2012 Maltreatment prevention and the ethic of care

Child maltreatment in the form of abuse and neglect is a common problem affecting the well-being and flourishing of children in South Africa...