Research outputs

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Research outputs: EASTERN AFRICA

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

2020 Determinants of motivation among healthcare workers in the East African community between 2009-2019: a systematic review

Healthcare workers are an essential element in the functionality of the health system. However, the health workforce impact on health system...

2020 Closing the gap in programming for adolescents living with HIV in eastern and southern Africa: the role of social protection in positive prevention

The Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region has a high burden of HIV and AIDS, with an estimated 19.6 million people living with the virus ...

2020 Towards effective linkages of young people to sexual and reproductive health and rights services and support in eastern and southern Africa: perspectives from civil society

Despite recent increases in scholarly and donor interest in interventions addressing adolescent SRHR in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA), t...

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2007 Diffusion of the National Qualifications Framework and outcomes-based education in southern and eastern Africa

This article explores policy and curriculum diffusion in southern and eastern Africa through an examination of the National Qualifications F...