Research outputs

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Research outputs: ETHIOPIA

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2022 Ethiopia country brief: strengthening gender and inclusivity in the National System of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI)

Strengthening Gender and Inclusivity in STI highlights the contextual factors driving gender and inclusivity disparities in STI in Ethiopia ...

2021 Partial credit guarantee and financial additionality for smallholders coffee cooperatives: experience from Ethiopia

This study examined the effects of a partial credit guarantee in increasing lending to credit constrained farmer cooperatives under the Ethi...

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2021 Strengthening gender and inclusivity in the national system of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI): literature review: Ethiopia

Ethiopia being a Sub-Saharan African country had exceptional, perhaps, interesting history in Africa from the perspective of women roles in ...

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2012 Implications for multilingual education: student achievement in different models of education in Ehiopia

This chapter focuses on the relationship between type of bi-trilingual MTM education model and student achievement in Ethiopia by examining ...