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Research outputs: FATHERHOOD

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2022 What makes a father, according to South Africans?

Just over a third (36%) of children in South Africa live with their biological father, a figure that has remained fairly consistent over sev...

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2015 "I should maintain a healthy life now and not just live as I please": men's health and fatherhood in rural South Africa

This study examines the social context of men's health and health behaviors in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, particularly in relationsh...

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2015 Gatekeeping and its impact on father involvement among black South Africans in rural KwaZulu-Natal

Involved and caring fatherhood contributes to the health and wellbeing of children, women and men. The corollary is also true - men, women a...

2015 Non-resident black fathers in South Africa

South Africa has one of the highest rates of non-resident fathers in Africa, after Namibia, with only about a third of preschool children co...