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Research outputs: GAMBLING

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2020 Research to determine the potential impact of the fourth industrial revolution on the current and future regulation of gambling in South Africa

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is having, and will continue to have, a significant and multi-faceted impact on the gambling industry in So...

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2014 Gambling behaviour and psychosocial correlates among university students in 23 low, middle and emerging economy countries

The aim of this study was to investigate gambling behaviour and psychosocial correlates among university students from 23 low and middle inc...

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2012 The Mpumalanga legislature and the HSRC budget analysis project

The Mpumalanga Gambling Board is mandated to ensure the suitability of all persons wishing to participate in the gambling industry within Mp...

2006 Trauma history and severity of gambling involvement among horse-race gamblers in a South African gambling setting

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the frequency of gambling involvement and the prevalence of problem gambling among horse race gam...