Research outputs

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Research outputs: HEALTH POLICY

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2021 Reflecting on the current scenario and forecasting the future demand for medical doctors in South Africa up to 2030: towards equal representation of women

Increasing feminization of medical professions is well-acknowledged. However, this does not always equate to equitable representation of wom...

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2018 Assessment of the multi-sectoral approach to tobacco control policies in South Africa and Togo

Tobacco use is the world's leading preventable cause of illness and death and the most important risk factor for non-communicable diseases (...

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2010 Implementation of the national programme for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV: a rapid assessment in Cacadu district, South Africa

To conduct a rapid assessment of the prevention-of-mother-to-child-transmission-of-HIV (PMTCT) programme in two of the three local service a...

2004 Report and policy brief: 2nd Annual Conference on Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research, Cape Town, 9-12 May 2004

This report and policy brief summarises the overarching principles, key findings and suggested policy options that emerged from rapporteur r...