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Research outputs: MEDIA

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2021 Knowledge, the media and anti-immigrant hate crime in South Africa: where are the connections?

There is a growing level of academic interest in how the media covers immigration and xenophobia in South Africa. Various scholars (e.g. Nya...

2021 Evaluating South African and Namibian governments' use of digital media during Covid-19

Governments during the Covid-19 pandemic in response to the challenge of reaching as many of their citizens as quickly as possible have reli...

2020 Media sensation in a time of heightened anxiety: analysing reports in three Western Cape newspapers

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in South Africa, the media has been influential in sharing information around personal protection and curbing...

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2019 An inconvenient marriage: media freedom and access to information in Africa: the South African perspective

In 2013, the African Commission released a model law access to information in Africa, in the midst of what is identified here as growing tre...

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