Research outputs

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Research outputs: MIGRANTS

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2021 Migrants, thinkers, storytellers: negotiating meaning and making life in Bloemfontein, South Africa

Migrants, Thinkers, Storytellers develops an argument about how individual migrants, coming from four continents and diverse socioeconomic b...

2020 Leaving no one behind during Covid-19: relief workers' concern for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers

In South Africa, migrants, asylum seekers and refugees have disproportionate access to socioeconomic resources and healthcare services. Find...

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2019 'Accounting' for migrants in inequality and the future: the distance to openness

The questions of the value of migrations to social development and the alleviation and/ or exacerbation of poverty and inequality have featu...

2019 False beliefs drive xenophobia in South Africa - and education only helps up to a point

In September 2019, a fresh spate of deadly xenophobic violence swept Gauteng, just months after the government launched a national action pl...