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Research outputs: RACISM

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2021 Storying ourselves: black consciousness thought and adolescent agency in 21st-century Africa

Mindful of 2020's global focus on questions of systemic racism, this article looks at the continuing salience of the South African activist ...

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2020 Knowing and being: living our learning about "race"

This short reflection works with the question of knowing and the implications of knowing for how we live our lives. Its particular concern i...

2020 Racism's workshop: explaining prejudice and hate

The relationship between prejudice, hate and racism has an extensive and complex literature. The discussion, however suffers, from a kind of...

2020 F**k white people: do South Africans really support such slogans?

During student protests at South Africa's universities in 2016, the slogan F**k white people appeared on T-shirts, buildings and monuments. ...