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Research outputs: SECURITY

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2021 South Africa's international relations: a new dawn?

Over the last 25 years, South Africa's regional and global stature has been in flux. Although there is continuity in its foreign policy obje...

2021 Women and mediation in Africa

Mediation processes are sites of struggle for women because, over the last 20 years, women have sought inclusion in mediation with limited s...

2020 Mediating nation-building in post-colonial Africa: addressing the security and development nexus on the continent

It is perhaps presumptuous to think that the recurring political instability, stunted development and ethnic strife on the continent after 1...

2014 Representing foreign workers in the private security industry: a South African perspective on trade union engagement

In recent years South African cities have become home to a large number of undocumented migrant workers. If trade unions do not organise und...