Research outputs

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Research outputs: SELF-ESTEEM

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2021 Vision loss, vision difficulty and psychological distress in South Africa: results from SANHANES-1

Psychological distress in vision impairments and blindness is a complex issue and a major public health concern. Sudden adjustments in routi...

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2021 "Yes, I can!": fostering self-efficacy in science at school

Given the importance of science for the development of this country, it is concerning that limited numbers of South African learners are cho...

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2018 Self-esteem, sexual-risk behaviour and loveLife exposure among South African young women

Various risk behaviours have been identified to explain the increased risk of HIV infection among young women including factors such as pove...

2012 Language: a cultural capital for conceptualizing mathematics knowledge

Mathematics education in South Africa is in crisis. Students continue to perform at a lower level compared to other nations including those ...