Research outputs

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Research outputs: SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR

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2021 Social influence and uptake of couples HIV testing and counselling in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Social influences may create a barrier to couples HIV testing and counselling (CHTC) uptake in sub-Saharan Africa. This secondary analysis o...

2020 Identity, inequality and social contestation in the post-aparthied South Africa

Ethnicity in Africa dates back centuries. It evolves in response to the challenges and opportunities provided by geography and demography. I...

2014 Hand grip strength and associated factors in non-institutionalised men and women 50 years and older in South Africa

Little is known about the prevalence, predictors and gender differences in hand grip strength of older adults in Africa. This study aims to ...

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2014 Gendered naming and values attached to amaXhosa Amakrwala (graduate-initiates)

This paper is based on a study that explored the gendered naming and values attached to the amaXhosa amakrwala, and the kind of behaviour ex...