Research outputs

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Research outputs: TEACHING

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2021 "That's schoolified!":how curriculum, pedagogy and assessment shape the educational potential of poetry in subject English for black high school learners

This article explores the teaching of English poetry in two Gauteng high schools, one a suburban, former Model C school and another in Sowet...

2021 Help them understand: the importance of instructional clarity in teaching and learning

Classroom instruction and engagement are at the core of learning, and day-to-day classroom educational activities are likely to have a direc...

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2018 Learners deserve the best: teachers as agents of language proficiency

Teachers are the primary channel through which learners acquire academic knowledge. In classrooms, language is the key to communication and ...

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2018 How to improve teaching practice?: an experimental comparison of centralized training and in-classroom coaching

We experimentally compare two modes of in-service professional development for South African public primary school teachers. In both modes t...