Research outputs

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Research outputs: TRAINING

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2022 Training healthcare workers for epidemic response: are front line healthcare professionals doing drills during the fire?

In this brief we identify training gaps existing among healthcare professionals and recommend interventions to address these gaps, specifica...

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2019 A survey of the training of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine in universities in Thailand

Traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine (TCAM) is popularly used by the Thai population. The aim of this study was to determine...

2018 How to improve teaching practice?: an experimental comparison of centralized training and in-classroom coaching

We experimentally compare two modes of in-service professional development for South African public primary school teachers. In both modes t...

2016 Artisan training could assist youth employment

Artisanal and intermediate level training are important starting points for addressing the challenge of unemployed young people, currently e...

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