Research outputs

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Research data

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Research outputs: UMKHONTO WE SIZWE

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2022 All was not in vain: the autobiography of Lebona Mosia

Lebona Mosia was born on 18 January, 1952 in Alexandra Township. He was active in the June 1976 student protests, and left the country in Au...

2022 From activism to disillusionment: the story of an MK Comrade Khaya Skweyiya

Khaya Skweyiya grew up in a devout Methodist family, attending school in New Brighton township, Port Elizabeth and in rural KwaDubu, Fort Be...

2020 Monty Naicker: passive resister

Gangathura Mohambry 'Monty' Naicker was a political activist who drew heavily from the Gandhian philosophy of satyagraha throughout his life...